Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough : Wisdom

Once upon a time, there was a Master Jedi by the name of Hortath.....or was it Hartoth...nvm...

Master Hortath was a Jedi respected by many other fellow Jedis. He walked in the Light and had a strong connection with the Force. His wisdom gave him the understanding of many that others have yet. He was the role model. Every padawan was hoping to be like him one day. Many were inspired by him. However, he could not accept the fact that his eyesight was failing him. Despite his wisdom, people have told him about his condition but his pride was like a barrier, a barrier that cannot be yet so easily broken. One day, a young padawan was lost and met Master Hortath. He decided to ask for directions...

Padawan : Greetings, Master Jedi.

Master Hortath : Greetings to you, young padawan.

Padawan : Master, I am lost.

Master Hortath : Where to, my young one?

Padawan : I wish to go to the Jedi training academy.

Master Hortath : I'm afraid you have taken the wrong path, padawan. Where I face, the academy lies there.

Padawan : Pardon my ignorance Master but I have been told that academy lies in the opposite direction.

Master Hortath : I tell you the truth, the academy is indeed in my sight. Follow that path and it will not lead you away from where you seek.

Padawan : If you say so, Master.

Master Hortath : May the Force be with you.

Actually, the Padawan was speaking the truth. He was told about the location of the academy and he was indeed on the right path. However, due to Master Hortath's pride, the young Padawan was lead onto the wrong path. Instead of the path to the Light, he had been directed to a path that takes him down to a groove with a strong pressence of the Dark Force. He was indeed on a road towards destruction. What happened to him nobody knows but people were rather pessimistic.

Zion says:
You might be full of wisdom. You might be very successful. You might be an overachiever in almost everything that you do. You might be one who excels in your academic field. You might be one who feels that life is wonderful and full of wonderful surprises and people. You might be one who thinks that you have the world by being so successful and having the people, whom you want to be in your life, in your life. You might be one who feels love and feels that you have almost a limitless capacity to love. You might be one who is everything the above mentioned. You might be one who is so everything the above mentioned that you have become stuck up, some maybe screwed up or some others simply just F**ked up. You might have wisdom, but are you always right? You can try to act high, noble and mighty but there is just that much that you are and can be. You think that you are noble. You think so highly of yourself...huh? You think you can carry out justice...even so of doing it on behalf of everyone? You think that by that ounce of little wisdom you got in your head, you can put yourself above other people? Above me?...you wish? You think that just because you think you are who you think you are, you are who you think you are and that gives you the right and even the right of being right to do things the way of those people you condemn? So are you in any way different from them? Are you not in any way even of me? Who do you think you are...huh? Let me tell you the truth, I don't care what you think of others or even me. I don't care a damn about what you feel about what I say. Don't pose to me the same questions I have posed to you. It doesn't make or prove any point, muchless yours. I don't care what you say about me. The point is not about me. It's about how screwed up you are. I might be screwed up, maybe.....in your eyes....or any of your likes..... But I don't care even half a damn about it because it's not about me, it's about you. You are just as F**ked up as I do. Maybe half as F**ked up as me, I don't know, maybe a quarter but in any case...you are. I don't care whether or not you think I am right because it doesn't matter to me; you are the one who is wrong. I might not be right but you are wrong. It can be explained simply by Karma. You might think that for a person like me, I should be run over by a car, be beaten up by somebody or struck by lightning or maybe not so much on that scale but maybe just "attacked" by a particular blog saying how F**ked up I am and stuff like that. Well I guess maybe what goes around really comes around and I got what I deserve but what happens to the one who ran his car over me? What happens to the one who beat me up? What happens to the one who blogged nasty stuff about me?...the same way I blog about people? Which part of Karma do you think they belong to? Will the driver get run over by another person for running over me? Will the person, who beat me up, get beaten up by some other people? Will the person, who blogged about me, suffer the same fate as me for doing the exact same thing that I did? It never seems to end, does it? Which part of Karma do YOU think you belong to then? Maybe you are the one who is coming to give me what I deserve....maybe?...So after you gave me what I deserved, what does that place you in Karma again? Or do you think that you are so high and noble and mighty that you are not supposed to be part of this whole thing at all and that I'm just a F**ker and somebody's just going to make me suffer for that's what I deserve and everything's just going to be like that as smoothly as if planned and you will be smiling to yourself feeling happy because you feel that justice has been done...so that's what you think? Who do you think you are? You better think twice, or thrice or more, because just as you might believe in Karma, some other people might believe in Karma as much as you do, if not more. Like what many people always say or even what you might say about some religions, what you believe might not be what it is. Don't you think Karma is such a wonderful thing? Do you believe in Karma? Do you STILL believe in Karma? In any case, you can say or think all sorts of things about me and I don't care a damn because I made my point and it will continue to prove itself just as it always have and I rest my case.

Sometimes, Love just ain't enough.

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